1B Genre

Genre is a key factor which we focused on throughout our A2 module where we produced a music video. Our band was named "Vanilla"; also the name of our first album which we promoted with the release of a music video to a single on the album which was titled "On our own". This was to the song "I won't" by Little Mix and the genre we focused on for our music video was country. This was apparent throughout the video mainly due to the location and costumes used. Although the song wasn't initially recognised under the genre of country, we thought it had many elements that fitted into this category and we made it fit even more throughout the production of our music video.

To make our music video recognisable as a country video they way we promoted our video and presented the band within the video, this is through the use of various locations; such as being based within wooden backgrounds, in fields and on a farm with animals. By using various different props and backgrounds helped us highlight our genre and carry through with all of our ideas. We also had to ensure synergy was persistent throughout all of our products, especially in conjunction with our music video, of which we kept the country theme of a wood and nature theme within the video, digipak and posters. Looking at the two media theorists Andrew Goodwin and Carol Vernallis kept us within guidelines needed to be followed in order to keep our video professional and focused on our genre. Therefore we looked at four different concepts from Vernallis; narrative, camera, editing and diegesis. In addition Goodwin analysed key features that are used within music videos; how visuals and lyrics have a relationship as well as a relationship between the music and the visuals. This concept was used within our music video through the use of the beats and the editing. We made sure all of the cuts and transitions were made in time with the beat and the visuals matched with the lyrics in order to help the audience connect and understand the genre and narrative of the music video.

Steve Neale suggests how "genre is a repetition with an underlying pattern of variations" which we followed within our music video. By the use of codes of country within our music video; such as using the prop of country hats and horses, this highlights our genre instantly and is consistent throughout. However we did challenge some conventions of the genre by making it with a slight pop twist by having all costumes modern with a country twist. This maintained the personality of each of the girls within the band, although the consistency of the genre of country is consistent and would be visible by all audiences. We used country props such as the hats, but also the difference in locations also enabled us to portray our genre of country. Locations was a large factor as the outfits did have a slight change as this is the uniqueness we were willing to portray from each of the girls. This affected the audience positively as our primary target audience are young and may not initially like country however pairing both a country and pop genre together gave us the chance to widen our audience type and receive a larger following than our primary target audience. Neale's suggestion of genre I agree with as there are multiple repetitive elements within our music video of country and patterns are shown through the different visuals within the same locations, however conforming to the lyrics within the song.

In addition to this by recognising the genre theory producing by Andrew Sarris he focuses on the theory of "auteur theory" which is the idea that a director has a signature style, method or creative vision which is evident across their work. From this theory, we researched into our genre and coming across Miley Cryus' work with her new album focuses a lot on this theory as many themes and colours are used consistently, showing synergy throughout all of her products. This idea we used within our music video as well to consistent with the country genre. We used a salmon pink throughout however with the use of country inspired features such as text style and images such as the use of wood in our posters, digipak and within our music video. This allowed us to show our genre is country to our audience.

Therefore, with genre being such an important factor, with the use of research into various theorists and recognising the importance of genre enabled us to produce a successful music video within our final year of media studies.


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