Audience Concepts: -The effects model (Passive, hypodermic syringe, Bobo Doll- Albert Bandura) -The uses and gratifications model (Active, use text for own pleasure) -Reception theory - How did you target you audience ? What was your audiences response (feedback)? - Audience research before the video was made (surveys, questionnaires, interviews) - Use of digital technology -Youtube/Facebook/Twitter/Blog/surveymonkey (help widen audience) -Marketing to audience- Advert, Digipak -Conclusion: what have you learned? A: Analysis- Who is the audience? U: Understanding- Whats the audience knowledge of the subject? D: Demographics- Whats their age, gender, education, background, etc. I: Interest- Why are they watching your video? E: Environment- When is your video published? N: Needs- Whats their specific needs? C: Customisation- Needs/Interests E: Expectations- Whats do they expect to learn for the video? Should walk away with their questions answered. Analyse on...